Emma suggested I look at the website information is beautiful and it was there I did I found another link to a website with images of marine animals: 'New species in Antarctica'. And here was an example of my 'link' to understanding a part of how I came to be where I am. That moment of wonder--when I have no need of possession or of explanation, only a wish to recall the essence of the moment (Trinh T Minh-Ha also makes this point in When the Moon Waxes Red, 2991,p 23), I am still searching for Deleuze and Guattarri's view on the subject...
Yesterday I returned to a poem by Gregory Orr and found a(other) connection in the last three lines:
No wonder I go on
So. I go on so
Because of the wonder.
(Gregory Orr, Concerning the Book That Is the Body of the Beloved, Cooper Canyon Press, 2005, 83)
When I sent the link to the images of marine creatures to a friend, she pointed out yet another link--to the works of artist Chihuly (hhtp://www.chihuly.com).